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Published on 1/27/2025

I Know

  1. I know that Jesus Christ is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.
  2. I know that He is the eternal Word, through whom all things were created, in whom all things hold together, and for whom all things exist.
  3. I know that His precious blood, shed on the cross, cleanses from all sin and reconciles all things to God.
  4. I know that He rose victoriously, demonstrating His power over death and giving hope of eternal life.
  5. I know that all authority has been given to Him in heaven and on earth, and that every knee will bow before Him.
  6. I know that creativity and innovation are reflections of His creative nature, meant to glorify Him and serve His Kingdom.
  7. I know that every talent is a gift of His grace, entrusted for the edification of the Body of Christ and the testimony of His love.
  8. I know that His perfect example of service, even to death on the cross, must inspire every one of my actions.
  9. I know that He will return in glory to establish His eternal reign, and that all things will find their fulfillment in Him.

I Am

  1. I am a child of God, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, an heir of the Kingdom, and an ambassador of Christ.
  2. I am called to be a light in this world, reflecting the love and compassion of my Heavenly Father.
  3. I am a servant of the Most High, chosen to bring hope and transformation into the lives of others.
  4. I am a builder of solutions that liberate, empower, and uplift others, in whatever form they take.
  5. I am a social innovator whose heart beats to see lives transformed and communities restored.
  6. I am a philanthropist in the making, called to use the resources God entrusts to me to impact generations.

I Commit

  1. I commit to serving humbly to elevate others, following the example of my Master.
  2. I commit to using my talents and resources for the advancement of the Kingdom.
  3. I commit to maintaining impeccable integrity, reflecting the character of the One I serve.
  4. I commit to freely sharing what I have freely received.
  5. I commit to fighting until my last breath to glorify the name of Jesus Christ.
  6. I would rather die than abandon the mission my Lord has entrusted to me.
  7. I commit to never ceasing to proclaim the Gospel and testify of His grace.
  8. I commit to dedicating my life, my resources, and my energy to the service of my neighbor.
  9. I commit to persevering in the fight of faith, knowing that victory belongs to my King.

I Proclaim

  1. I proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Lord of the world, that all authority belongs to Him in heaven and on earth.
  2. I proclaim that His Kingdom extends from generation to generation, and that His reign will never end.
  3. I proclaim that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
  4. I proclaim that excellence is my standard, for serving the King of kings deserves the best of my abilities.
  5. I proclaim that where others see obstacles, I see opportunities to manifest His glory.
  6. I proclaim that money and honors are nothing compared to the joy of seeing lives transformed by Christ.
  7. I proclaim that my professional and spiritual lives are one, for everything is under His lordship.
  8. I proclaim that every failure is an opportunity to testify of His faithfulness and grace.
  9. I proclaim that His Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.
  10. I proclaim that the final victory belongs to Him, and that I am on the side of the Conqueror.
  11. I proclaim that darkness will retreat before His light, and that His love will triumph.

"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen." — Romans 11:36

Signed in faith and commitment,
Anthony Uyende
For the glory of God and the service of humanity