
Here's a curated list of books, articles, blogs, and other readings that have significantly influenced my thinking, organized by topic. These works cover a range of subjects including technology, entrepreneurship, science, and personal development. You can find more books I've read on myGoodreads profile.

Business & Entrepreneurship

  • Zero to One

    Peter Thiel | Book

    Notes on startups, or how to build the future. This book offers a new way of thinking about innovation.

  • The Lean Startup

    Eric Ries | Book

    How today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses.

  • Paul Graham's Essays

    Paul Graham | Blog

    Insightful essays on startups, programming, and life by the co-founder of Y Combinator.

Technology & AI

  • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

    Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig | Book

    The leading textbook in Artificial Intelligence, used in over 1400 universities in over 125 countries.

  • Sam Altman's Blog

    Sam Altman | Blog

    Insights on technology, startups, and entrepreneurship from the CEO of OpenAI.

Personal Development & Habits

  • Start with Why

    Simon Sinek | Book

    Explores how leaders can inspire cooperation, trust and change.

  • Atomic Habits

    James Clear | Book

    An easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones.

  • The Tao of Charlie Munger

    David Clark | Book

    A compilation of quotes from Berkshire Hathaway's Vice Chairman on various aspects of life and business.

  • Outliers

    Malcolm Gladwell | Book

    An examination of the factors that contribute to high levels of success.

Marriage & Relationships

  • Sacred Marriage

    Gary Thomas | Book

    Examines the spiritual dimension of marriage.

  • What I Would Have Loved to Know Before Getting Married

    Gary Chapman | Book

    Practical wisdom and insights for those preparing for marriage.

  • Une fille, un gars, un Dieu

    Jean-Sébastien Morin | Book

    Guide sur les relations amoureuses dans une perspective chrétienne.

  • Jouir du choix de son conjoint

    ZTF | Book

    Guide spirituel sur le choix du partenaire de vie.

Christian Living & Spirituality

  • Le chemin de la sanctification

    ZTF | Book

    Exploration du processus de sanctification dans la vie chrétienne.

  • Puissance par la prière

    Edward McKendree Bounds | Book

    Un classique sur l'importance et la puissance de la prière.

  • Le principe du trésor

    Randy Alcorn | Book

    Exploration des principes bibliques sur la gestion des ressources.

  • They Shall Expel Demons

    Derek Prince | Book

    A comprehensive study on spiritual warfare and deliverance ministry.

  • Le brisement des liens malsains

    Boniface Menye | Book

    Guide sur la délivrance spirituelle et la rupture des liens négatifs.

  • More Than a Carpenter

    Josh McDowell | Book

    A compelling exploration of Jesus's claim to be more than a carpenter, examining historical evidence and personal testimonies.

  • The Quest for Male Identity: Building men after God's heart

    Moïse Mahara | Book

    A spiritual guide exploring biblical masculinity and how to develop a God-centered male identity.

Christian Apologetics & Evangelism

  • The Case for Christ

    Lee Strobel | Book

    A journalist's personal investigation of the evidence for Jesus.

  • Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions

    Gregory Koukl | Book

    A practical guide for navigating conversations about faith and beliefs.

  • Questions

    Werner Gitt | Book

    Réponses aux questions fondamentales sur la foi et la science.

  • God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life

    Ray Comfort | Book

    A challenging look at the modern gospel message.

  • Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus

    Nabeel Qureshi | Book

    A personal account of a former Muslim's journey to Christianity.

  • The Bible

    Various Authors | Book

    The holy scripture of Christianity, containing the Old and New Testaments.

Science & Environment

  • Cosmic Queries

    Neil deGrasse Tyson | Book

    Explores the fundamental questions about our universe and our place within it, covering topics from black holes to the search for alien life.

  • Carbon Finance: The Financial Implications of Climate Change

    Sonia Labatt and Rodney R. White | Book

    Explores the financial implications of climate change and the emerging market for carbon credits.